Saturday, August 3, 2024

Not an official blog post - comment on last month's LennyThe Rock post...

I have always thought that one of the smartest things I ever did with this blog was to turn off comments...a decade ago. I genuinely believe that everyone being able to comment on everything, is one of the internet's biggest flaws.

Even without comments, I get a pretty good sense of how people are responding to something, and it has dawned on me that this President Lenny The Rock post...well...confuses people.

It was written a week before Joe Biden dropped out of the race. Imagine that prehistoric time, when the choice was between a doddering too-old - but respectable - man, and the nonsense that is Donald Trump.

Then, a week after posting it, Biden dropped, Kamala Harris took over the top of the Democratic ticket, and suddenly my President Lenny The Rock idea became confusing.

I'm going to leave the post up. I support the Kamala Harris candidacy, but I still feel it was a funny, light-hearted bit of sarcasm to imagine a rock beating Donald Trump.

I still genuinely believe that a rock would be a better President than Trump.

Peter Wick

August 3, 2024